What's different about massage therapy as clients age? Often the type of massage is similar but the session may be arranged differently. Clients may move more slowly, dressing and undressing may be too tiring, communication may be affected by hearing and/or vision changes. We can work within those parameters to make successful outcomes.

Some of the conditions that older clients seek help managing:

  • Arthritis pain
  • Neuropathy
  • Diminished range of motion
  • Kyphosis
  • Edema and lymphedema
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle weakness

Our office is at ground level with convenient free parking right at our door. If you alert us that you have a caregiver driving you over they can receive massage at the same time or wait in our relaxation room. Why not start with a reasonably priced 45-minute session and give us a try? We will allow 15 extra minutes, at no charge, for intake, dressing, restroom usage - what ever is necessary to make the session relaxing and effective.